Sixty years Madagascar! — English

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Sixty years Madagascar!

Sister Françoise Marie Rey left France in 1961 for the mission in Madagascar.
She taught for eleven years before working in the formation of young Malagasy sisters for seventeen years. Since 1989 she has worked with the children of the orphanage in Faratsiho.
Arriving at the age of 80, the orphans of Faratsiho wished her a happy birthday.

Dear Sister Marie Françoise,
Excuse me for speaking in the name of the orphans and the monitrices. Firstly we wish to thank God for the occasion of your 80th birthday! It is extra special for us, so we wish you a long life, good health and a fruitful mission. Your tender gestures and above all your simplicity gives us courage. Thank you, Sister Françoise Marie for all that you are for each one of us.
As a mark of our joy we have a little gift for you. It is not much but it is given with all our heart. We remember you and your family in our prayer. Thank you so much Sister Françoise Marie.
May God be praised!
May God be praised for your parents and family.
For your birth.
May God be praised for your childhood.
For your youth.
For the simple gestures of life.
For your motherly tenderness for us.
For your life of Mission and its continuation.
For the Association, your family who love you!
The orphans of Faratsiho. - MADAGASCAR
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