Echoes of the golden jubilee of St Chantal's College at Soanierena, Madagascar — English

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Echoes of the golden jubilee of St Chantal's College at Soanierena, Madagascar

During the celebration of the 50th anniversary of our school, the staff organised three days of an unforgettable festival from the 26th to 28th April 2013.
Each class took part in a long procession as well as different drama scenes, all shown in the assembly hall LAVASOA. Parents of the students and many other people were invited. These days united us in laughter and joy but it allowed us to live and to reinforce the theme, “A FAMILY WHICH NEVER CEASES TO RENEW ITSELF”.

 How can we not thank the All Powerful God for these three days of celebration?

His grace allowed us to notice that when a child is enabled to show her talent she can surprise us and her gift of herself and seriousness can fill us with wonder.

These days reunited us all: teachers, sisters, former teachers and former students
and parents because we all showed that when we help each other we arrive at such good results and this gives us the strength to live the fifty years to come with serenity.

Throughout the three days the festivities were a great success. Everyone without exception enjoyed him/herself and loved it.
The older ones and younger ones found amusement somewhere. The history of the College of the Sisters of Christ was narrated or to be more precise of Saint Chantal with the help of a video projector, leaflets and a large model.
Since the college is Christian, the closing of the 50th anniversary ended with High Mass celebrated by the Archbishop of Antananarivo Odon RAZANAKOLONA at which the sisters of the College, teachers, parents, and former and present pupils assisted. Just like a great family! Long live the 100th anniversary of our very dear College!

Teachers, administrative personnel and the community