FRANCE : Sr Denise 'I don’t like the walls..' — English

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FRANCE : Sr Denise 'I don’t like the walls..'

She has crossed that bridge, which she sang so well, and is waiting for us on the other side, to dance with her! Thank you, Denise.

I don’t like the walls, said the Pope,
I prefer the bridges.

“I don’t like the walls of stone or breeze-blocks.
They will  fall as they did formerly in Berlin.

I hate all the ramparts and all the cloisters

They are always a sign of hate, fear and rupture.


I prefer the bridges and their giant footsteps

They step over the waves, link up the continents.

I love the gentle curve and their flexible arcades.

The bridges open out to space and make room for nomads.


I don’t like the walls, the ditches, the high walls,

They encircle us, lock up our quarrels.

They are stained with blood and lamentations,

“Stay where you are”. That is their solution!


I prefer the bridges clearing the obstacles,

They cross the relentless torrents with a leap.

I prefer the bridges like those of Avignon,

Where one sings and dances, in procession or in rounds.


The prisons are in us; in us are also the barriers.

But may our outstretched arms, like a lit-up bridge

Wipe out our errors and tie up our union,

In solidarity so as to sow the next harvest.


                        Sur les ponts de la Tamise,

                        Des Anglais en bras d’chemise

                        S’évertuaient à répéter :

                        Sur le pont d’Avignon on y danse on y danse

                        Sur le pont d’Avignon on y danse tout en rond.

                        Or again

                        Sur le pont de Nantes un bal y est donné

                        Sur le pont de Nantes un bal y est donné


                                   It’s up to us to dance now!!!