Sr Marie Christine : ''We are sent together''... — English

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Sr Marie Christine : ''We are sent together''...

this is our primary mission and it is never fully acquired once and for all.

yolande marie claire et m. christine diminué.jpg« Sent together » : this is our primary mission and it is never fully acquired once and for all.
« Sent together » assumes that we are truly in solidarity with each other: or that we recognise that we share responsibility for the human and spiritual evolution of each one. In overcoming our fears (of differences, of the image we give ourselves, of what we perceive of the other person etc.) we are able to form a relationship of confidence and to get on more easily with each other like in the story of the Little Prince. I think all of us have had the experience of the consequences of dialogue or refusal of it. It leaves traces in us.
But, we are followers of Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
- The Way because we find Him setting us out on the way, day after day
- The Truth, for He gives us the grace to be truth for others.
- Life, because in entering into His light, we become more alive.

In my community, I appreciate the sharing of what we have and what we are; moments when each one can say how the events of the Church and the world touch her as well as the joys and the difficulties of those near and dear to us. Either in an 10548048_703623919710122_8264000348899848372_o.jpginformal way or in the depth of our prayer we welcome the life of our neighbours, our families, the people we meet or those mentioned in the media, and this sharing becomes communion.
To be able to say to each other thank you, sorry, please…helps me a lot. «The real gaze of love is one which increases our hope » says Paul Baudiquey.

Is it not by allowing the One who loves us infinitely to dwell in us that we learn to gaze like Him and share the light he gives us ?